
Customize as you wish all the messages.

In the messages.yml file you can modify all the messages sent by the plug-in.

You can use color codes and all the placeholders of the plug-in, excluding PlaceholderAPI ones.

Each value of the configuration can be a string but also a string list giving you the opportunity to send more than one message at once.

#All values can be a string or a list.
#All placeholders are supported, except PlaceholderAPI ones.
#All color codes are supported: &f, &0, &b.
#To use a hex color follow this format: &#000000
#To make a gradient follow this format: !#000000>!GRADIENT!#ffffff<!
    enabled: "&aAuto-broadcaster enabled!"
    disabled: "&cAuto-broadcaster disabled!"
    #Placeholder available:
    # %number% - Return the amount of players who have received the broadcast.
    sent: "&aSuccessfully sent message to %number% players!"
      - "&7&m--------&6 WorstBroadcaster Help Page &7&m--------"
      - "&e/wb help &7- &fSee this page."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.reload!&e/wb reload &7- &fReload plugin configuration and messages."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.autobroadcaster.toggle!&e/wb autobroadcaster toggle &7- &fEnable or disable the auto-broadcaster."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast!&e/wb broadcast <message> &7- &fSend a message to all online players."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.inradius!&e/wb broadcastinradius <world> <centerX,Y,Z> <radius> <message> &7- &fSend a message to all players within the specified radius."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.inregion!&e/wb broadcastinregion <world> <region> <message> &7- &fSend a message to all players in the specified region."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.inworld!&e/wb broadcastinworld <world1,world2,...> <message> &7- &fSend a message to all players in the specified world(s)."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.perm!&e/wb broadcastperm <perm1,perm2,...> <message> &7- &fSend a message to all players with the specified permission(s)."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.premade!&e/wb broadcastpremade <ID> [regex:replacement] &7- &fSend a pre-made message with the possibility to replace words using regular expressions."
      - "!perm:worstbroadcaster.broadcast.toplayer!&e/wb broadcasttoplayer <player1,player2,...> <message> &7- &fSend a message to the specified player(s)."
      - "&7&m----------------------------"
    #Placeholder available:
    # %time% - Return the milliseconds elapsed to reload the config.
    reloaded-config: "&aSuccessfully reloaded plugin configuration (%time%ms)."
    reloaded-locale: "&aSuccessfully reloaded messages configuration (%time%ms)."
  no-perm: "&cYou do not have the permission to do that!"
  no-message: "&cThe pre-made broadcast specified has no message set!"
  unavailable-feature: "&cYou can't use this feature!"
  #Placeholder available:
  # %usage% - Return the correct usage of the command.
  invalid-usage: "&cInvalid command usage! &6Use: &e%usage%"
  #Placeholder available:
  # %number% - Return the incorrect written number.
  invalid-number: "&c%number% is not a valid number!"
  #Placeholder available:
  # %world% - Return the nonexistent world's name.
  invalid-world: "&cThere is no world with the name %world%!"
  #Placeholder available:
  # %world% - Return the name of the written world.
  # %region% - Return the nonexistent region's name of the specified world.
  invalid-region: "&cThere is no region named %region% in world %world%!"
  #Placeholder available:
  # %id% - Return the nonexistent ID written.
  invalid-id: "&cThere is no pre-made broadcast with the ID %id%!"

Last updated