Colors & Placeholders
Usage of colors and placeholders.
All messages sent to the players, including also the configuration ones, can use color formatting.
Default colors
You can use the usual colors of Minecraft by using the &
"&3Hello world!"
This will display the sentence 'Hello world!' in cyan.
Hex colors
The plug-in offers you the possibility to use also hex colors, to do that use the format !#000000!
Gradient colors
If you want to color a sentence which starts with a color and progressively becomes another by using hex colors, you have to use the following format: !#000000>!
Some words!#ffffff<!
WorstBroadcaster provides a variety of placeholders which have the purpose to use your broadcasts in various ways.
If you want to send a broadcast in the action-bar section of the player you just have to put !actionbar!
at the beginning of the message.
Instead if you prefer to send broadcasts as a title message you can easily do this by putting !title!
at the beginning of the message.
In case you want to change the duration of the fadeIn, stay or fadeOut title's phase just put !in:<ticks>!
, !stay:<ticks>!
or !out:<ticks>!
(where <ticks> is an integer) wherever you want inside the message.
To split the message in title and subtitle use \n
The permission placeholder has a major priority in broadcasts, to use it you have to put !perm:<permission>!
at the start of the message so it will be sent only if the player has the permission <permission>.
If you want to send an action-bar or title message using also the permission placeholder put !perm:<permission>!
at the start and immediately after !actionbar!
All the broadcasts supports PlaceholderAPI placeholders.
Last updated