
In the config.yml you will find essentially two sections:

  • pre-made-broadcasts;

  • auto-broadcaster.

Here you can set all the pre-made broadcasts you can send by using the command /wb broadcastpremade <ID>.


The ID is case-sensitive and it must be different from the others in order to not have any kind of error.


Here you can write all the lines of the broadcast message; !actionbar! and !title! are supported.

A word or an entire sentence of a line can be replaced, for example, with a word using regular expressions (regex) when using the command in order to have a sort of custom placeholders.

To do this you just have to add another argument at the end of the /wb bcpremade command. This argument will be divided in two parts by using a :, the regex and the replacement. Considering that the : is used to split the argument, you can't use it neither in the regex nor in the replacement; if you need to use it you can use the escape key \: instead if you need to put a space between two words use \\.

Then the command will be: /wb broadcastpremade <ID> [regex:replacement].

If you need to do more than one replacement just add another argument following always the same format.


Here you can write a list of permissions where a player must have at least one in order to receive the broadcast.


Specify a list of worlds' names in which players can receive the broadcast.


Specify which players can receive the broadcast.

#                                            #
#       WorstBroadcaster Configuration       #
#        Plugin developed by Ceduz19         #
#                                            #
#All color codes are supported: &f, &0, &b.
#To use a hex color follow this format: &#000000
#To make a gradient follow this format: !#000000>!GRADIENT!#ffffff<!
#To send an actionbar or title message put !actionbar! or !title! at the beginning of the message.

pre-made-broadcasts: []
  ### The ID of the broadcast (each ID must be different from the others - IDs are case-sensitive).
  ### Set the broadcast message which will be sent (can use !actionbar! or !title! to send correspondingly an actionbar
  #    or a title message).
  #  message:
  #    - "&7------"
  #    - "&bThis is an example of a"
  #    - "&dPre-made Broadcast&b!"
  #    - ""
  #    - "&7&oMade by %author%."
  #    - "&7------"
  ## Regex:Replacement feature explanation:
  # When using the pre-made broadcast command you can replace particular words (or characters) with others.
  # This gives the opportunity to make 'custom placeholders' that can be replaced, using regular expressions (regex),
  # with a word or a sentence depending on the situation.
  # ————
  # In the message above we can replace, for example, %author% to be the actual name of who is sending the broadcast.
  # To do this we have to do the following command: /wb bcpremade example %author%:Ceduz19
  # Doing that the broadcast sent will display 'Ceduz19' instead of '%author%'.
  # ————
  # You can do more than 1 replacement at time (/wb bcpremade <ID> [regex1:replacement1] [regex2:replacement2] ...), indeed
  # it is possible to make various regex-replacements, there is no limit.
  # To make more complex replacements you can use regular expressions which are very useful (tutorials on how to use them
  # can be found on the internet).
  ### The message will be sent to the players who have at least one of these permissions.
  #  permissions:
  #    - "example.permission"
  ### Specify in which worlds the broadcast can be received.
  #  worlds:
  #    - "exampleWorld"
  ### Specify which player can receive the broadcast.
  #  players:
  #    - "Ceduz19"

  #Wheter or not the Auto-Broadcaster is active.
  enabled: false
  #Wheter or not the broadcasts will be sent randomly.
  random: false
  #How many seconds have to pass until another broadcast is sent.
  period: 60
  broadcasts: []
    #### The ID of the broadcast (each ID must be different from the others - IDs are case-sensitive).
    #  message:
    #    - ""
    #    - "&bThis is an example of an automatic broadcast."
    #    - ""
    #### Section dedicated to all date-related requirements of the broadcast in order to be sent.
    #  date:
    #### The 3 following options are generic time requirements useful if is needed a broadcast sent in a specific
    #### week/day of the month/year instead of specifying each day.
    ### Specify in which week of the year the broadcast can be sent.
    #    week-of-year: <number>
    ### Specify in which week of the month (1-5) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    week-of-month: <number>
    ### Specify in which day of the year (1-365) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    day-of-year: <number>
    ### Specify in which day of the week (1-7) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    day-of-week: <number>
    #### The 5 following options are more specific and permit to send the broadcast only in a specific year, month, day,
    #### hour or minute (if you set all of these options the broadcast will be sent only in a specific date at a specific hour).
    ### Specify in which year the broadcast can be sent.
    #    year: <number>
    ### Specify in which month (1-12) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    month: <number>
    ### Specify in which day (1-31) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    day: <number>
    ### Specify in which hour (0-23) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    hour: <number>
    ### Specify in which minute (0-59) the broadcast can be sent.
    #    minute: <number>
    ### The message will be sent to the players who have at least one of these permissions.
    #  permissions:
    #    - "example.permission"
    ### Specify in which worlds the broadcast can be received.
    #  worlds:
    #    - "exampleWorld"
    ### Specify which player can receive the broadcast.
    #  players:
    #    - "Ceduz19"

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